From the Desk of the NCC President...

Here we are again! We have turned over the last page of the the year 2022 and we find ourselves at the commencement of 2023, eager to leave behind the dark moments of the last year but very hopeful about this promising year to come.

The sense of newness when it comes to this year, should motivate us to think that there is a very important lesson to be looked at: as sad and negative as the “valleys” of our days were, there is a place where we can leave them at, the feet of Christ.

Adopting an attitude of thanksgiving for the days we went through that were less than ideal during this year, would enable us to see the vital lessons have the privilege to learn. It may sound insane, but this is exactly what the difference is between how Christians would look at “bad things” that happen to them, and the rest of this society. For many individuals, this might sound like “getting drunk with clear water”, but this is the real deal.

One other thing that tends to spoil our joy for what lies ahead, is the regrets for the mistakes we might have made during 2022. Recognizing these mistakes is very commendable, but there’s only one place where we can really take care of them. That place is the cross of Christ. There is nothing more dear to God than to deliver the powerful message of forgiveness to each of His children. I know that some may say “that is too simple to be true”, but you do not have to take my word for it. Simply read what the Bible says in 1 John 1:9 “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” It really is that simple and our heavenly Father would love for us to take this message into 2023.

Our success, our quality of life, and our joy for this year, depends on the correct understanding of this message of forgiveness. It brings home the reality of how loving our heavenly Father is. The sooner we grasp the meaning of this concept, the sooner we would start living like children of the Most High. Those that have arrive to this conclusion would “plow” though whatever this new year will throw at us.

One last element I would like to mention is the important sense of togetherness that we need to consider. In time of tough times, this nation has always been sustained by the following motto: “together we stand, divided we fall.” If this is true in the secular matter, it is even more so in the spiritual sense. We, too, have been affected by the “I don’t care” type of mentality and if we want to do better, we need to shake off that type of thinking. The success of us all depends on the support of each other.

Therefore, friends and brethren, I am inviting all of you to commit to pray for each other, support each other, and uplift each other. In doing so, we will fulfill a very crucial part of Jesus’ prayer from John 17:21 “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”

My personal appeal is that in light of the current events, we would determine to fulfill this important desire that Christ had for His disciples from all Christian Era. Let us make this year something like an “upper room” right before the outpouring of the latter rain and the second coming of Christ. Amen.

Julian Utupanu, NCC - President

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